Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid-19 is not the zombie apocalypse!

This is a zombie:

A zombie is actually dead, it is just too stupid to know it. And all it wants to do is find you, a non-zombie, and bite big chunks of flesh from your body. This turns you into a zombie, too.

Key point: Zombies are very bad! Avoid zombies, even if it means staying holed up in your house, never leaving, stocked with 500 rolls of toilet paper and all the hand sanitizer you can buy!

However, this is a Covid-19 sufferer:

Please note the difference. Covid-19 patients do not attack you. They do not eat your living tissue. They are not dead, like zombies are. The great majority of them recover and the ones who do not are too sick before death to track you down and infect you, even if they wanted to. Which they do not.

Key point: It's time to stop treating social distancing like prepping for a zombie apocalypse.  Even as Covid worsens in America - and it will - it will not cause the collapse of our civilization. Workers will still work, although many businesses and industries will take a hit. Farmers will still farm. Ninety percent of the toilet paper we use is made right here in the USA. Almost all the other 10 percent comes from Canada and Mexico.

Social distancing does not mean you can never leave your house. It does not mean that you will become infected by walking down the street. Even if you are at high-risk for the infection, it does not mean you must now stockpile 500 rolls of toilet paper and all the hand sanitizer you can get.

We are not going to run out of hand sanitizer or toilet paper. Or food. And even if you do not want to risk going to a (potentially) crowded store to buy more, someone else will go for you. Ask a family member, neighbor, friend. Ask a local church or synagogue for help.

There was never a reason for this to have occurred across the country:

In a week or so, those who did this are going to wonder why. And people who bought cases and cases of vegetables, two-dozen pounds of chicken or beef will wind up throwing a lot away, spoiled.

Buying as if there is going to be a shortage is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is what creates the shortage.

So chill, Americans. Just chill. Take all the proper precautions against the virus. But nothing about this disease requires stockpiling. Face the future with confidence and planning, not panic. We simply are not at this point, not by a long shot:

Don't let us get there for no reason other than we act like it.

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