Saturday, December 7, 2024

"A Christmas Carol" movies you can watch right now, free

I have 18 movie versions of Charles Dickens' novel, A Christmas Carol, in my personal collection. And I watch all of them each Christmas season. Here is where you may find as many versions of the movie as I can find online for free viewing. They are listed in the order I found them, not according to my personal rating of their worth. 

First up, from 1984, starring George C. Scott as Scrooge, free on YouTube and hence embedded here:


Nest is Scrooged, starring Alistair Sim. This movie has received high marks for Sims' performance as Ebenezer Scrooge.


Next is is Patrick Stewart playing Scrooge from 1999. This one has become an almost instant classic. 


This version stars Guy Pearce as a younger Scrooge than we usually imagine. And it is more based on the novel's theme than its narrative, although the character's names are the same. Hence it is a reboot of sorts, rather long (almost three hours) with many added scenes, and Marley's ghost has a much larger part. But I give it good marks for staying faithful to Dickens' themes. 


Here is the first movie of the novel with sound, 1935's Scrooge, starring Seymour Hicks.


1938's version, starring Reginald Owen:


A Christmas Carol (1954), starring Frederic March and Basil Rathbone: 


Here is An American Christmas Carol from 1979, starring Henry Winkler:


From 2015, starring Anthony D.P. Mann, one of the shortest versions at 59 minutes:


From the BBC in 2000, one of my favorite versions, set in modern London with Scrooge being a young hoodlum loan shark, starring Ross Kemp. 


And last, a musical version starring Albert Finney and Alec Guinness, Scrooge, from 1970.

Have fun, and remember the lesson the story tells so well!

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