Monday, June 3, 2019

Surprise! Parents are the key influence on children

From the United Methodist Church News Service, "The secret to faith after high school? Parents!"
Parents’ faith is key 
The National Study on Youth and Religion found a factor that is “nearly deterministic” in turning this around. Eight out of ten (82%) young adults ages 24-29 who were still participating in their faith after being active in high school, had one thing in common.

The secret? Their parents.

Youth leaders agree. “Parents are the critical discipler, period,” said Seth Martin, former Lead Student Pastor and now Lead Director of The Road at Faithbridge United Methodist Church in Spring, Texas. “Student ministries aren't (or shouldn't be, rather) the primary spiritual mentors of students, but should instead subsidize the discipleship already taking place in the home.”
Read the whole thing.

And this, from Harvard University: "Kids Raised Going to Church Are Happier Adults, Study Finds"

But don't be these parents: "After 12 Years Of Quarterly Church Attendance, Parents Shocked By Daughter's Lack Of Faith"


Luke 24, verses 13 thru 34 tell of a man named Cleopas walking to the town of Emmaus, near Jerusalem, accompanied by an unnamed companion. I...